Es fing erstmal alles mit einem Buch an, das eine Freundin mir ausgeliehen hatte.
In dem Buch von Henri JM Nouwen geht es u.a. darum, wie sehr Gott jeden Menschen liebt und wie schwer es uns häufig fällt aus dieser Wahrheit heraus zu leben.
Als ich dann von dem Vocation Music Award erfahren habe, wusste ich, dass es ein Aufruf an mich ist einen Song über unsere Berufung als geliebte Kinder Gottes zu schreiben.
Somit erzählt "You call my name" von eigenen Erfahrungen in meiner Beziehung zu Gott, der Freude darüber, dass wir alle dazu berufen sind in einer Beziehung mit ihm zu sein und meinem Bedürfnis stetig seine liebevolle Stimme zu hören.
In the middle of life's business, I make my way to you.
Opening up a door to find a quiet place to be with you.
You reached out to my heart so many times before, but I was not able to listen.
Somehow I was lost in the world, felt rejected and ashamed.
It took me a while and it still will a life to realize you gave your life for me.
Laying down my pride before you and the whole worlds noise is put on mute.
How good it is to know that I am chosen and blessed by you.
In a soft voice you call my name.
I am your child, your daughter and son.
I am your sister and brother.
You call me your Beloved.
Every step I go you walk beside me.
As close as my very breath you are there even in my darkest hours.
In my daily trials remind me of the truth you spoke about me.
All I can do is inviting you into my day and my night.
//: Jesus, my heart is longing to be loved by you.
Jesus, my heart is longing to be loved by you, yeah. ://
Laying down my pride before you and the whole worlds noise is put on mute.
How good it is to know that I am chosen and blessed by you.
In a soft voice you call my name.
I am your child, your daughter and son.
I am your sister and brother.
You call me your Beloved.
And help me to listen.
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