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Title: The Best Way I Can Love You
Author: Maria Doherty
Votes: 252

Views: 3665
Die Hintergrundgeschichte zum Song: This Vocation Music Award came at a really significant time in my life! It helped me put into words some of what I've been discerning with Him. I have been on a personal journey with Our Lord and reflecting on His path for me, I've poured some of my own story into this song and lyrics both as a prayer of my own and also in the hopes that it might help someone else realise God's plan for them:)
Lyrics: The Best Way I Can Love You Verse 1: I tried so hard to find my place Always looking at the sky For a sign or light to tell me How to make my life worthwhile I wanted to do the best I can To have meaning in this world Give me mission give me purpose For my life and voice to be heard. But You just looked at the woman at the well Your eyes met her and she realised Oh you just called the fishermen James and John And they threw down their nets and found their lives. They didn’t need a reason, another purpose to exist They met You and everything became clear and new You are the way the truth and the life I’m on the right path if I’m walking with you. Chorus: I want to spend my life with you Dear Lord Oh show me, lead me with your hand I know now that my vocation in life Is to love you as best as I can For You are the Way, the Life and the Truth I’m on the right path if I’m walking with you. Yes You are the Way, the Life and the Truth I’m on the right path if I’m walking with you. Verse2: So show me where to place my steps Lead me every step of the way From the lion’s den, through the parting sea, From the prison and up from the grave. Whether it be married, single or religious I don’t mind as long as we’re together So help me be who You made me to be So I can set the world on fire. I want to be the light on the mountaintop Make me salty, make me shine, I don’t want to be a gong booming, Only love makes it all worthwhile. Chorus Bridge: Reveal Your plan as we walk this road together Keep me close and help me love you Jesus forever. Let me be who you made me to be, Help me see the me You can see, As You planned from the beginning of time Fill me Lord with you Spirit so I shine. Let my life sing You are Holy Lord, let love be my life’s prayer. And when I reach my final home let me sing Holy Lord forever. Chorus Yes You are the Way, the Life and the Truth I’m on the right path if I’m walking with you.
Performer: Maria Doherty